Everything you need to know about the Twin Bays Coalition.
Twin Bays Coalition is a group of volunteers dedicated to protecting Nova Scotia's shorelines from open net fish farming and promoting sustainable fish farming practices.
Through our volunteers and generous public donations, we are able to hold public information sessions, engage in public communications and information distribution, research and investigate fish farming practices, unite like minded groups across Nova Scotia and lobby public officials to act in the interest of the communities rather than corporate interests.
In 2018 the Nova Scotia government invited a huge multinational, Cermaq, a subsidiary of Mitsubishi, to increase by over 350% the number of open net fish farms in Nova Scotian waters. Alarmed by this prospect, people from Peggy’s Cove at the mouth of St. Margaret’s Bay all the way west through Mahone Bay to the mouth of the Medway rose up and said “No!” They formed the Twin Bays Coalition.
Under the name, the Healthy Bays Network, the Coalition joined forces with similar movements from Liverpool Bay, Port Mouton, St. Mary’s Bay, the Eastern Shore and Chedabucto Bay. Together they fought to raise Nova Scotians’ awareness of the disastrous impacts of open net pens on our environment, our economy, and our quality of life. Confronted by this huge, organized opposition, Cermaq eventually opted to pursue opportunities elsewhere; however, other corporations, bent on exploiting our coastal waters, are lining up to fill the gap. The fight to protect our coasts clearly is going to be a long one.
Ten years ago the issue of open-net pen pollution on Nova Scotia’s coasts came to a head and communities rose up in protest. In response, the government invoked a moratorium and assembled a commission, including two highly regarded Nova Scotians, Meinhard Doelle and Bill Lahey. Supported by a panel of experts in consultation with the community, a report was issued in 2015. To the dismay of many advocates, the government implemented only some of recommendations from the Doelle Lahey report and lifted the moratorium, while promoting our coastal waters as open for business once again. Despite the decision by Cermaq to go elsewhere, promoted by government we are still on the verge of a large scale increase in open-net pens on Nova Scotia’s coasts.
While the Coalition and the Healthy Bays Network groups oppose archaic, polluting open-net pens on our shores, we are strong advocates for Nova Scotian-owned and operated, low impact aquaculture. If we can realize this shift, get the pens out of the water and onto the land, we can grow our local economy and see Nova Scotia take its rightful place as a leader in responsible, sustainable zero-emission aquaculture. We strongly believe that this is the path forward for our children and for the future.
We need a moratorium now on the licensing of any new open net pen applications, and on the renewal or expansion of any existing licenses. We need to get them out of the water and onto the land as soon as we can. Here's how you can get involved.
Please, write letters to your elected officials.
Support parties and candidates willing to join us in this struggle.
Support legal challenges - clean waters on our coasts is our right and it is our governments’ responsibility to protect them.